Hyperbolic Time Chamber

Broly's head slowly turned towards Goku, who had listened in on the conversation. Goku was scratching the back of his head, while laughing as if what was just said wasn't a big deal. A vein bulged on Broly's forehead before he relaxed again.

He deeply sighed out. "Of course, he did. When was it? Should be yesterday, right? I probably have another week left for preparation." Broly asked Vegeta.

Vegeta's face darkened even further as he heard Broly's questions. "A week ago. A day after the fight on Exousia." Broly just let his head drop on the table as he just couldn't take it anymore and asked disheartened, "When is the tournament?"


Silence. No one said anything as they all knew what was on the line, the only thing clearly hearable were Broly's deep breaths.

Alea sat down next to him and caressed his back to cheer him up. However, Broly stood up and walked towards Goku.

"You fucking MORON!!" Broly screamed at Goku, who just laughed it off. Broly's body was heaving heavily as if he was about to lose it. He closed his eyes and breathed out long.

"Puuu. At least, I managed to stall this tournament for 3 years, otherwise I wouldn't have my breakthrough or couldn't even have participated-"

Broly said calming himself down by seeing the positive side of things.

"Actually, I wouldn't had asked Zen-chan to hold the tournament, it was only after I achieved Super Saiyan Blue that I was confident enough to take on the other universes."

Goku said with a laugh.

"Sweetie, some things should be kept to you." Gine said with a slight smile on her face. She knew what was about to happen.

"That's it, you are dead!" Broly suddenly shouted as he grabbed Goku at the neck and flew away.

In the distance the thunderous booms were indication enough to what was happening, but no one made any attempts to help Goku out of this predicament.

Bulma suddenly thought of something. "Alea didn't you say Broly had been to another universe?"

Alea turned around and was a bit confused by the question, "Yeah, why?". Bulma didn't answer her but she instead turned to her husband.

"Who out of you, Goku and Broly is the strongest?"

Vegeta was startled by the question and crossed his head as he seemed reluctant to answer the question but under Bulma's scrutinizing glare, he gave in.

"I suppose, Broly is slightly stronger than Kakarot or me."

Bulma rubbed her chin as she pondered out loud, "If even Vegeta admits that Broly is stronger, that means Broly is actually on a whole level above the two…"

Vegeta gritted his teeth as he listened to Bulma's mumbling. However, he didn't refute her.

"Since Broly seems to know more about the other universes and seemed to want to be even stronger before the tournament starts, wouldn't that mean that the other universes have some scary powerful beings?"

As soon as her question fell, the others seemed to have realized her concerns and began panicking as well.

At this moment, Broly reappeared with a person that had a swollen face, which made it hard to identify the person.

He landed calmly before he gave Goku to the other earthlings, who tried to feed him a Healing Capsule, but to no avail as his mouth was too big to eat anything.

"Broly!" Vegeta shouted out. "We have a room called Hyperbolic Time Chamber, in which one year is only one day outside. How about we head there and train?"

Vegeta said as he pointed into the direction of Dende's Lookout with his thumb. In the meantime, Oolong used force to squeeze the capsule into Goku's mouth.

Broly thought for a second. "Sure. By the way, who will be in our team?" Vegeta started flying towards the Lookout as he shouted, "I will tell you on the way, let's go."

Broly patted Alea on the head and then quickly caught up to Vegeta. Another light could be seen following shortly after the two. "Wait for me, I want to train too!" Goku screamed out midflight.


Broly stepped into the pocket dimension called Hyperbolic Time chamber and could immediately tell the difference.

He also instantly knew that even though some flaws had already been fixed, so one wouldn't die if one entered a third time, it still shouldn't be used carelessly.

Time is a dangerous concept in this multiverse.

When he had stepped inside, he felt that his inner clock of his body, meaning the operating functions of his cells had been forcefully quickened to match it to this dimension.

Broly directly knew that even though he could train his body in here, to temper his soul would be incredibly difficult.

His soul, after all, wasn't really influenced by the time difference. If he trained in here, his soul would experience no faster gains than in the outside world.

Furthermore, if he trained his body, it would create an imbalance between soul and body, which would influence his growth in the future.

Of course, if time difference only limits itself to a few tens of years, it wouldn't be too noticeable.

Fortunately, his body was created by the pure energy through his soul. He could easily adjust the cells in his body, so the imbalance would be nil.

He even could reverse engineer the effects of this dimension to use it to accelerate the time of his soul, but a mistake there would be even more harmful than the imbalance.

Broly threw out these thoughts and focused on what he could do now. He would first perfect his control over his god ki and his other transformations.

Maybe even look further into Ultra Instinct, if there was enough time to do so.

He probably wouldn't achieve a great leap in strength in this single year without the growth of his soul, but he could still improve faster than if he had trained one day outside.

With that in mind, he first familiarized himself with the house and then stepped onto the ground of the seemingly endless white.

He was stared at by Vegeta, who seemed to wait for a little sparring session. Goku jumped onto the ground and positioned himself next to Vegeta.

"Broly, I am going to pay you back for the beating just now!" Goku said with a laugh and directly turned Super Saiyan God with Vegeta following suit.

Broly couldn't help but laugh at their confident expression and Goku's claim, "Hahaha. How about I teach the two of you some humility?"

Broly stomped the ground and tortu- sparred with the two Saiyans for several days.

However, as strong as the two were now, the potential learning achievement for Broly was limited and since the three all had their own ideas to achieve the next level of power, they spent most of the time training for themselves. Only joining every couple of weeks to have a spar against each other.


Broly stepped out of the Time chamber first and directly went and cleaned himself up before creating new clothes.

Vegeta and Goku came out too and changed before the three teleported towards Bulma's courtyard and as if they had planned it, the other earthlings and participants were already waiting for the two deities of their universe.

Even Cell seemed to have thought that it was normal to meet up here. Cell was currently teasing Gohan and a young girl next to him.

Broly rubbed his chin as he remembered that originally around this time would be Buu's appearance. Gohan should be going to high school now.

Although Gohan wouldn't be a great scholar, all these years Chi-Chi still forced him to learn at least a bit.

Videl next to Gohan seemed to have already been smitten by Gohan. As young as she was, she couldn't hide her stares that were already all over Gohan.

Satan was conversing with Bulma about some business, surprisingly he seemed to be less of a coward than in the series.

He also didn't seem as arrogant, which was his lucky call as Broly would have killed him if he were.

It was probably because of the humiliation back then, when Satan had pissed himself because of Broly's aura.

As Satan wasn't the hero of this planet after Broly had showed earth the real extent of martial arts, his family wasn't as rich anymore. However, they weren't bad off either.

Satan seemed to have learned genuine martial arts after witnessing The Broly Games and achieved a higher standard than Broly had expected. He won some tournaments and seemed to have made a name for himself.

Of course, he would never compare to the human prodigies of the Z-Fighters. Still it was better than most people could ever hope to achieve.

After waiting for some time, the two deities appeared to pick up the participants. Goku was very excited, which received him some death glares from Beerus.

With breakneck speed the group headed for the arena in the void.