
Broly skipped backwards as he evaded Jiren's attacks. One was moving forward relentlessly attacking, while the other was dodging and blocking the attacks during his backtracking.

Jiren was going in overdrive as he was depleting his energy at a rapid pace, but he was still unable to overpower Broly.

Just as Broly caught Jiren's fist, Jiren's ki converged in his fist before it instantly erupted in an explosion without giving Broly time to react. Broly was forced backwards as he slid across the ground.

However, he was still calm as ever as if he wasn't directly hit by an attack of a warrior of high caliber. Even his hand that had caught Jiren's fist seemed completely fine.

Jiren on the other hand was using a lot of energy and couldn't extend this fight for the rest of the tournament.

He raised his ki and pushed himself as far as he could to end Broly as quickly as he could. After all, there were still other warriors of universe 7 still on the battlefield.

Broly was not surprised as he sensed Vegeta and Goku move towards Jiren, wanting to participate in the fight.

They both rushed past Broly and headed for Jiren. Goku as a Super Saiyan God Kaio-ken times 20 while Vegeta rushed at Jiren as a Super Saiyan God Beyond.

"Out of my way, weaklings!" Jiren raised his hand and directly sent out dozens of ki blasts in an instant. They slapped a few away but were quickly overwhelmed by the strength that resided in each blast.

After being hit a couple of times, their smoking bodies were thrown to the side as they reverted back to their base form.

It was no surprise that they were knocked out instantly. Jiren wasn't playing anymore, he didn't care who it was. He was going all out now.

Even Broly was unwilling to confront these blasts head on and dodged them instead. "This is your end, Broly!" Jiren gathered lots of energy and shot a flaming ki beam towards Broly.

Like a snake it followed the dodging Broly across the battlefield. Jiren pushed his energy to the max and boosted the speed of his ki beam to its limit, directly catching up with Broly's rapidly moving body.


The collision resulted in a gigantic explosion.

Jiren took deep breaths as he observed every minute movement on the area Broly was blasted into.

The stage was already a mess to say the least. There were no pieces larger than a quarter of the initial stage left floating around.

As the dust of the explosion, Broly was caught into, was slowly setting down, a red glow could be seen. A ki sphere around Broly's unharmed body was revealed.

Broly laughed, "What was that supposed to be, Jiren?"

Broly didn't give Jiren time to be shocked as he shot towards Jiren. Jiren couldn't even react until Broly had already arrived in front of him.

A punch directly landed on Jiren's face and was sending him flying through several boulders until he hit the largest piece that was still remaining of the stage.

That piece was moved by Jiren's impact and slowly descended into the void.

Jiren quickly jumped out of the rubble and adjusted his dislocated jaw. He spit out some blood as he looked at Broly, who was still standing on the spot, looking down at him.

Jiren was frustrated as he felt that his strikes seemed to have no impact on Broly.

He went into this tournament believing that no one was his equal, but now Broly stood proudly in front of him pushing back against his full power.

Even the other Saiyan called Goku and Vegeta had broken through their limits several times and had grown a lot stronger.

Jiren feared that Broly might do the same, so he didn't stop and pushed forward again.

He stomped the ground, cracking it open in the process, as he shot to Broly. Broly jumped to Jiren as well and both met with their fist in the middle.

The resulted shockwave forced both back and turned the near debris to fine dust particles. They both landed on a floating boulder respectively.

Jiren's fist was bleeding from that exchange but he didn't stop as he once again dashed towards Broly, who shook his hand slightly while frowning.

They both turned to a red line and clashed in the middle again. This time they weren't forced backwards as they dodged their opponents strike.

They stopped for a moment before they moved again at high speed. Their arms seemed still but they were just moving so rapidly that they were invisible for even experienced eyes.

They used small rocks that were broken off the stage as a foothold and clashed with each other numerous times.

Belmod was getting anxious as he saw Jiren on the losing sight.

Although neither of them was pushed backwards by each other strength, Jiren's body accumulated more wounds with each exchange, while Broly overall seemed fine and unharmed.

It was like Broly's body was on a completely different toughness scale.

Jiren blinked because of the pain he felt at another exchange, which resulted in him being grabbed at the ankle.

He tried to kick himself free, but he was already flung away, sent crashing through numerous floating stage pieces.

Just as he could stop himself, Broly caught up and slapped Jiren's head into the ground. The boulder crumbled apart from the impact and was then breaking apart into more pieces as Broly followed up with a punch in the guts.

Jiren flew across the battlefield before he was stopped by a larger piece of the pillar. He didn't dare to rest there for a second and jumped away.

Just after he got away, the pillar was met with a ki blast that completely obliterated it. Jiren's jumping direction was disrupted through the explosion and he crash landed on another rock.

He quickly looked around and suddenly punched out at the seemingly empty air. Broly seemed to appear out of the blue with his head tilted sideways, evading Jiren's fist.

Jiren wanted to attack again but a kick against the side of his kneecap forced him to the ground and made him miss his counterattack.

Then an uppercut disorientated him completely for a moment. He couldn't even try to block the hand that grasped his head. Jiren's face was dragged across a rock before being thrown into the air.

Before he could turn around and retaliate, Broly kicked his spine. Jiren's body bend backwards as if it would snap in two with a bit more force.

He was sent flying high into the sky in an arch before he luckily landed on a larger floating island.

Jiren gritted his teeth and stood up again and took a step forward. Unsurprisingly, his leg gave in and he collapsed onto his knees.

He gasped for air as his sweat dropped onto the stone beneath him.

He looked at his hands that were still trembling from their fists clashing. Blood was dripping down out of wounds that covered almost every corner of his body.

He had countless bruises and his muscles were aching, begging for rest. His back felt like it would collapse any second and every other part of his body was sending out signals of pain as well.

A shadow was cast above his head. He looked up at Broly, who still looked perfectly fine, except for some smaller bruises that were healed in front of Jiren's eyes.

This gave him another shock that showed him the reality of things.

He couldn't maintain his poker face anymore as his confidence was crushed by this overwhelming defeat.

His eyes conveyed his despair and loss of fighting will. His head drooped as he didn't dare to look at Broly.

Universe 11's spectators couldn't believe their eyes as they saw Jiren's defeated figure.

"What are you doing, Jiren?" Toppo suddenly furiously bellowed. "You would kneel before an enemy? Is this pathetic image how you end?! Get up, Jiren!"

Broly looked at Toppo before he turned to Jiren again. He wanted to see if it would be the same as in the series.

"What did you build your strength, while trusting no one all this time, for?! Fight for your pride until the end! You may not believe in your own strength, but I do. Until the end! Jiren. You are strong! You are stronger than anyone."

As if it was a magic spell, Jiren once again stood up with a blazing aura surrounding his body like furious flames.

Jiren clenched his hand to a fist. Before waving it towards Broly, releasing a wall of flaming ki in the process.

It scorched through the air as it headed for Broly. It blazed across the entire island they were standing on and instantly reached Broly.

Broly raised his arms as he stopped the attack with a barrier. Broly increased his power as he held up against the attack before Jiren shouted out, "Begone, Broly!"