
"Daddy! Come tell us a story!" Saturnyne ran into bathroom in her pajamas and pulled Broly at his hand.

Broly was dragged into the children's bedroom with the other 4 already waiting for a bedtime story.

Although they all had their own room, they had dragged their beds into one, so they could always have a 'sleepover'.

Broly was always happy when he saw that their relationship was this great. They were already tugged into the bed and looked at Broly with expectant eyes.

Saturnyne jumped into her bed and quickly covered herself with her blanket. With only their heads peeking out they watched Broly pull out a chair and sat down.

His wives were going around and gave each of them a goodnight kiss before they waited for Broly to start his story.

Usually they would add their perspective to the story, since Broly always told stories about real life experiences.

Each of them had their favorite story. Kratos especially like the ones, where Broly started his rampage as a revenge for the attempt on his life. Bruce was fond of the stories, when Broly came to earth and bullied uncle Goku and Vegeta.

Saturnyne liked everything related to the crystals. Her eyes glistened whenever she heard of their weird appearance.

Especially after seeing them with their own eyes, did she become even more eager to hear more about them.

Zeus was interested in Broly's telling about how he thought about new techniques and skills. Saber was the most enthusiastic about the first sword of Pera. The island was in fact one of the children favorite vacation places.

"Alright. Today's story is about some assassins that didn't know the limits of their abilities. At that time my soul was injured, and I had to heal it with the Origin Spirit Crystal. Your mother, Alea and I had traveled from Exousia…"

After a while Broly's story ended and the 5 little devils were already deeply sleeping.

As the parents walked down the floor to their own bedroom, Alea started to talk to Broly, while the other two were just silently following.

"Say, what do you have in mind?" Broly was awoken out of his thoughts and turned to Alea and the other two, who were giving him a meaningful look.

He could only smile slightly. "You know, it has been a while since I have 'Mastered' Ultra Instinct, I am stronger than ever-"

"Don't!" Alea shouted out before her voice calmed down again and continued, "I…We know of your ambitions, but you have to think about them." Alea and Broly didn't have to say much more. Everyone was on the same page.

Since the beginning, both sides, his wives and Broly had each their own pursuit in life. A

lea wanted to rule the Saiyans, Cana wanted her revenge on Frieza, while Zangya wanted to conquer the universe, but everything changed when Broly came into their life.

Cana and Zangya had turned their life around him. Alea was able to fulfill her dream and rule over the Saiyans, but her main priority in life was Broly as well.

However, Broly had never stopped following his ambitions, no it even grew with time. Not even his wives could now deter him from that.

He wanted to become the strongest and rule over the entire Dragon Ball Multiverse.

They thought that they were fine with that and wholeheartedly believed that he would achieve it, but now their perspective in life changed again.

After giving birth to their children, they were equally if not more important than Broly in their heart.

Now Broly wanted to move forward in his plans to conquer the multiverse, but what would happen if he failed?

Would Lord Zeno or the angels take that laying down? What would happen to them? What would happen to their children?

They felt extremely conflicted and didn't want Broly to step forwards, but they also knew that they couldn't change his mind.

"Broly, darling. Please…" The three saw his determined gaze and knew that persuading him would be more difficult than turning heaven and earth upside down.

"At least wait for a few more years until the children have grown up." Broly looked through the walls at his children, who were sleeping soundly.

"This isn't something I can delay."

"Broly, listen to me! You know, how fast their growth is. If given 20 no, even 10 more years, they will be strong enough to protect themselves and even help you in your plans!

Besides you yourself said that 'mastering' Ultra Instinct is just the entrance of this realm. You will be a lot stronger in the future and your success will be higher.

You don't have to be anxious. Lord Zeno won't improve as well as the angels. They have been stagnant for so long, they won't improve-"

Broly had listened quietly to Alea's persuasions with a loving smile on his face. He then hugged her and pulled the other two into the hug as well.

"You misunderstand me. It is not that I want to do it now, but because otherwise my chances of success would drastically shrink. They are moving out in a few years, if I set it in motion now, they won't be as prepared as they could be. If I wait for them to be prepared, it will become exceedingly dangerous."

His wives were quiet as they listened to each word he was saying.

"I am fully aware what these 5 will achieve with our guidance in the future, but time is not on our side. I am not the only player on the field. This can't be delayed! Afterwards, I promise, we will be able to settle down as long as you like."

Broly said and released them before turning around wanting to leave, but as he turned around his hand was grabbed by Alea. She had a determined look on her face that spoke for her conviction.

"Then tell us everything you have planned and what you know. We want to be informed, so we can react accordingly. Who knows, maybe we can improve your plan? 4 heads are better than 1, after all. Let us help you. You aren't a lone wolf anymore!"

Broly was momentarily stunned and couldn't help but nod to her forceful words. The three then walked past Broly and into their bedroom. "What are you waiting for? Come let's discuss this plan of yours!"

Broly awoke out of his stun and roared out in laughter before he walked inside as well. He walked inside and slammed the door.

A gust of wind arose in the room and numerous hidden compartments that had illusions and other seals on top of them were revealed and opened up.

Several metal pieces flew in the air and built a construct in the air. Several pages landed on the floor and the drawings on it, formed several futuristic constructs.

Several beings could also be seen on some pages and basic information about them, like abilities, age, last known location and their motives.

"Oh my god, how long are you already working on this?" The three looked at the room that was now plastered with pages of drawings and scribbles.

"Since you want to participate, I should start from the beginning of what is about to happen. I hope you cleared your calendar for the next week. There is a lot to talk about."

The three looked at each other before pulling out a device and tried to cancel several events but they found out that their signal was not getting out of the room.

Broly rolled his eyes.

"Did you think I don't have any security measures? If I don't want anyone to know what is happening inside here, no one will! Even entering or leaving will be almost impossible!" Broly said with absolute confidence.

Alea's eyes flashed as she thought about something. "So, when our new beautiful maid dashed into this room, you could have prevented her from seeing us, when we were in the middle of-"

Broly's mouth twitched. "I didn't sense her coming! I had no time to react!" Broly shouted as if he was trying to shout away his unease.

This time it was their turn to roll their eyes.