Does this make sense?

'Eh?! Deja vu?'

Recalling her memories -- from the moment she regained her consciousness, Seraphina realizes that her memories before her accident and the forthcoming events are all intact.

At first, Seraphina suspected that she became a sleeping beauty for the second time which is understandable to hear familiar medical terms she used to hear in her previous life. However, now that she was more clear-headed, she pondered.

'Is this hell? Will I be stuck to this day over and over to torture me? Yeah, that must be it.' She felt her soul leaving her body as she accepted to swallow the bitter assumptions she concluded -- or she thought. Not long after she woke up, drowsiness soon took over her.


When she opened her eyes once again, faced with a creamy white ceiling, her gaze land across the room. Unlike the white room where she first waked up, her current room describe one word: LUXURY. It gave her the vibe of comfort with a 'ka-ching' sound of money.

The breaking dawn faint ray of sunlight that filtered through the floor-length window hit her face. Turning her gaze on the mesmerizing scenery outside, she was in disbelief. Staying with the very familiar presidential suite-like hospital room, and seeing the same scenery can still consider a coincident. Alas, spotting the same bothering crease on the sofa she unconsciously stared for a long time in her previous life, her heart started to shook as she had a sudden premonition.

'Bloody hell! Did I just went back in time?! Does this make any sense?!'

As if she remembered something, Seraphina turned her head beside her bedside. There, a man that looks extraordinary charming in his white lab coat as if it was accustomed for him to wear. He was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, his arm that supports his fair, long fingers propped on his temple while the ray of light that radiated upon his gentle features: displaying a real-life prince charming.

Sensing someone's gaze on him, Doctor Liam Jin slowly opened his eyes. The moment his eyelids gape, he caught her investigative gaze. Feeling slightly conscious, he coughs lightly, then asked.

"How do you feel, Ms. Yue?"

Seraphina innocently blinks her eyes with a questionable look written all over her pale face.

'How do I feel? I'm hella confuse dude! I'm in the last straw of my sanity alright?!' Seraphina's thought is about to get wild. Fortunately, she was quick-witted to come to a decision and followed the matter of course of events that were about to happen.

"Why am I here?" She asked. 'Damn! Is this how I said it before? I'm too cute to not say it this way!' Due to a sliver of hope that maybe she really went back in time, Seraphina's true nature started to show.

"I am Dr. Liam Jin, Ms. Yue. You've been in a car accident that caused you to fall into a coma for 1 year and 6 months..."

Actually, Seraphina knew Liam Jin. She met him once in some social gathering in her previous life and exchanged a few words with him. Besides, in her previous life, Liam also accompanied her most of the time while she was recovering. Thus, there is no way he will introduce himself over again.

She merely uttered the same answer she did in her previous life to hear the same response from Liam which made her suspicion grew wider.

"..You woke up a week ago and been transferred here for two days now." His monotone voice explained every detail of where she is, about her condition and what happened from the last week. Alas, Seraphina was preoccupied with her own thoughts and did not really pay attention to his explanation.

"I don't remember anything." She asked in her weak, hoarse voice.

Though Seraphina had her suspicion, she could not help roll her eyes inwardly as she said her past dialogue. Liam Jin suspiciously narrowed his eyes as he intently stared at her but before the words he wants to say slipped from his mouth, the door was burst open.

The person at the door, though age had blanched his hair, the way he rushed towards Seraphina has full of vigor and vitality. A swirl of emotions can be seen in his eyes as he reached his trembling hands towards her.

In the past, this scenario already occurred. The only difference this time is that she could recognize him! It's her grandfather, her only kin, the person who always nags her like a mother and spoils her like a father.

When Chairman Yue's trembling hands reached out to her hands, she neither avoid nor withdrew them.

'He must be happy.' She thought.

Despite the fact that she decided to follow the course of events she 'guessed' would happen. Seraphina couldn't bring herself to give his old man another heartache. Thus, instead of avoiding his hands just like in her previous life, she didn't; because she couldn't.

She missed him. In her life, she never prayed but at this moment she did. She hoped that this would all be real.

"Silly girl, do you know how worried I was? Stop making your old man worry! You don't have to compete with me regarding this matter! You still have a bright future ahead! You still have to get married and have children.." Chairman Yue's rumbling was full of emotions. Most likely, the emotions he kept holding back in the past one and half year suddenly burst in one go.

His grandfather's hands were cold probably due to nervousness yet, it brought warmth to her heart. His wrinkled eyes that can't stop the tears from falling made the atmosphere in the room much warmer that soon touched her blackened heart.

Seraphina wanted to hug him and apologize for everything he went through because of her. However, the thought dissipated as soon as she recalled her grandfather's dying face in her previous life.

She could still clearly remember his grandfather in a prone position covered in blood yet, he managed to smile at her showing the spaces left by a few missing teeth as if saying it wasn't her fault before a loud bang went through his head.

Before she died, her life became a living hell. That man forced her to watch the people around her die. She tried taking her own life but her grandfather was still alive at that time. Thus, he manages to stop her in the nick of time. Ever since then, Chairman Yue never left her side and protected her. However, the enemy is always one step ahead of them.

Seraphina went through all kinds of torture before she died. But the most torturous of all is not knowing why must she go through all that. She was on the verge of losing her sanity but whenever she calls to mind the smile of her grandfather's dying moment, she persevered with one thing in mind; REVENGE. Unfortunately, she never had a chance but now,

The hatred in her heart deepened as she recalled the horrible memories in her previous life.

'That's right... The moment I lost my memories, I already lost. If this is all real... I, Seraphina Yue, will make him regret being born!'