First Love

After 2 months of rehabilitation, Seraphina was now able to walk. Liam was pleased with her dedication to recover. However, since that day he told her they were acquaintances, she would often teased him probably to cope with boredom. But furthermore, they became rather close as to say they were friends. He would often tell her stories about her that made Seraphina quite surprised.

"I did what?" Seraphina suspiciously narrowed her eyes as she knitted her brows.

"You slapped a gay man's bun to reject your most persistent suitor saying you like gays.." Liam repeated. In her life, Seraphina paid no attention to things that didn't piqued her interest. She knew she did a lot of silly deeds. Too many, that she herself forgot about them. But what surprises her the most is Liam knew about them.

"How did you know that?" She asked.

"Everyone does." Liam is not a gossip person but news about Seraphina were always explosive one after another that she became the talk of the town.

"He must be traumatized." She sighed as if she was guilty. But in reality, there isn't a sign of guilt in her heart. She just felt weird hearing her 'good ol'days' coming from the mouth of a beauty sitting on the edge of the bedside.

As Liam stared at Seraphina's guilty expression, his hand involuntarily move. Before he knew it, he was gently patting her head. Seraphina was rather liberated as she wasn't bother by the sudden physical contact.

"That what's makes you different." Liam tried consoling her. Seraphina raised her head with a dull expression on her face.

"Different.. huh." She shove his hand away then lay down sideways opposite to Liam direction. Seeing her upset like a spoiled princess, his lips turned upward.

"You should rest first. Chairman Yue said he'll drop by tomorrow." Liam sat up. He glance at her for a second before he left.

As he left the room, Liam looked down at his hands that he used to pat her head. There was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Back when he was in highschool, he was an apathetic person. He was aloof to everyone and barely made friends.

But one day, when he was leaving school, he bump into a girl. Her long black hair is tied up in a ponytail. Though she wore no make up, it didn't made her less stunning.

"Im sorry.." She said apologetically. The girl hurriedly picked up the scattered papers on the ground he was holding moments ago then hand them to him. Seeing no response from him, she grab one of his hand impatiently as she placed the papers into them that made him snapped back to reality. Before he could say anything, she fled like a flash.

Liam stood there for a minute before he got inside his car. On his way home, he saw her again. She was running while carrying plastic bags on her hand. Out of curiosity, he followed her. She stopped in an alley —catching her breath. She brought up the plastic bags on her hand while smiling brightly at a man sitting on the ground. Half of his face was covered in beard, his clothes was rugged and dirty, he seemed he hadn't showered for a long time. Regardless, she sat down beside the homeless man. She showed no trace of disgust nor ingenuity. She ate with him and chatted with him happily.

Liam stood at the other side of the street not far away from her. seeing this scene made him hear his heart thump a little. Though he met a lot of beautiful girls, she was the only one who made him feel this way.

Since then, he would watched her from afar. And when news about her rejecting her suitors, he was somewhat delighted but at the same time made him worried to approach her.

He admired her. her smile, her laughs, her pure heart, her mischievousness. To him, he wanted to be friends with someone with a genuine heart like her. But she was like a wild animal that can't be tamed. She has her own world that made it hard to keep up with her nor approach her.

When Liam entered university, he would still often go to the alley where she would accompany the homeless man. He did that for as long as he can remember.

After a few months of not seeing her due to his busy schedule, he went to her usual hangout place but unfortunately, the man wasn't there, so is she. Even after a few days of going in the alley hoping she would be there but to no avail she wasn't there. He also visited his previous school but could only have a glimpse of her back.

Then and there, Liam realizes how important she is to him. She was not just a person he admired nor a simple crush.

She was his first love.