Call me Aunt


Liam cough lightly. Embarrassed of his action, he then turned his head away. This is the second time he was so close to her. The first time was when she bump into him. There was an awkward silence surrounded them that he could hear his increasing heart thump. Just like a teenage boy who would always feel rattled when his crush is near him. He wanted to atleast grab this chance to be close to her but his words were stuck on his throat as he felt his uncontrollable heartbeat fast.


Hearing her sneeze, Liam instinctively took off his coat then placed it unto her. Startled. She blinked her eyes to him.

"The night breeze is quite cold. You should get back inside." Though he sounded calm, Liam was also startled by his sudden action that made his ear red.

"Too boring!" She pouted then continued.

"You find it boring too because you won't be here if you are, right? You see, everything inside is sparkling! It almost made me blind! Gosh! Also, what's with the obvious fake flattering smiles?! This is not how it should be! Gramps scammed me for saying it was fun and interesting! NO FUN AT ALL! Boo!!" Liam patiently listen to her dismayed complaints then answered her with a "hmm". Hearing his answer, she frowned.

"Hmp! You're boring too! I should just leave this damn place! People here are all weird!"

"Wait! Uhm, Im Liam Jin" he blurted out. He pressed his lips making a thin line as he knew she might not be interested about him but he want to spend some more time with her or listen to her complaints just a little bit more. She raised her eyebrow slightly before answering.

"Sera, Seraphina Yue." Then she turned around to leave but as if she remember something, she turned her head back to Liam.

"I know Logan Jin. Is he your father? You should call me Aunt Sera then because he is my friend!" She then left without giving him a second glance. Seeing her retreating figure, Liam did not know weather to laugh or cry by her ambiguous remarks.

He was overjoyed but also felt dejected. In the past year, the main reason he did not dare to approach her is because she was too unpredictable. Just one wrong move and they could've start with a wrong foot. thus, he let fate decide. but now that he got to talk to her for a short time, he wanted more. The feelings he suppressed for a long time started to resurface.

Liam did not stay at the party instead he rushed home to look for his father Logan. Unfortunately, Logan was then at country y for their newly established multifunctional hospital for VVIP's.

at his balcony:

Liam was thinking, if she was the mysterious young miss of the Yue family, if he was correct, then, that explains why she was not expelled from school even though she offended a lot of wealthy young masters and misses in school; that explains why no matter how he investigate about her, the result would always be 'she came from a middle class family' nothing more, nothing less.

Although the Yue family was not on top of the social ladder, every head masters of other powerful families respected the chairman of Yue International Enterprise, Sebastian Yue. What mysterious about the Yue family, aside from having the utmost respect from the top families though having a small company —they never accepted business proposal nor broaden their connections.

He once met Chaiman Yue with his father. Liam, at that time was only 12 years old. His father, Logan Jin met up with Sebastian Yue in a fancy restaurant. They talked about anything except business. but when his father, Logan Jin, brought up about business he remembered what Sebastian Yue said;

"Having money is good but having too much is dangerous."

Liam never paid attention to it back then but now that he think about it, he could not help but wonder: What mystery lies with the Yue family? And why would Chairman Yue who never shows and kept his granddaughter's identity remain a mystery would all of a sudden let her attend to such event?

He has a bucketful of why's but never had an absolute answer.