
Few minutes after Liam departed, Seraphina hopped out of bed and strode towards the door. She leaned her ear on the door to listen if anyone is outside. She heard a faint sound of a female voice then footsteps followed. When the sound outside quite down, she slowly opened the door to take a peek. Seeing no one is around she quickly shut the door and locked it.

After she locked the door, she made a step-back before she flipped herself vertically doing a handstand. Her back against the door. she walks naturally using her hands while maintaining her balanced around the luxurious hospital private room. She stopped at the wide empty area of the room where she done some handstand exercises.

Seraphina often done this from the day she could independently walk after her 'accident'. At first, she had a hard time balancing herself causing her to fall numerous time but after a plenitude of practice, she could now do it properly and do different exercises as she developed her strength, flexibility and body awareness. Seraphina wanted to be discharged not with a clean bill of health declared by the doctor but her own version of fully 'recovered'. facing the room upside-down, there was a hint of satisfaction in her eyes.

After doing some exercises, Seraphina slumped on the carpet while facing the creamy white ceiling.

"Finally!" she mumbled to herself.


At a certain office

The people inside the obscure dusk of the shuttered conference room started to feel cold sweats trickled down their backs. No one uttered a word and even hold their breaths as they tried to lessen their presence infront of the man who was leisurely sitting at the head seat of the long table.

"Any news about that woman?" The man asked. His tone was calm yet the domineering aura he emits within him made everyone inside the dark room flinched as they heard him mentioning 'that woman'.

"Ma— master that woman would most likely will never wake up." A big bellied man said as he tried to conceal his nervousness. Seeing his master seemed to agree with him. He gradually eased up then starts brown nosing to the man he called master.

"Master that insignificant woman doesn't worth your time! She's just a lowly woman that can't possibly harm you!" He exclaimed.

"Harm me?" The man cold voice resounded through the corners of the room. The man who was brown nosing to his master immediately shuddered as he felt he must have said something stupid.

The man called master lift his hand as he signaled the man standing behind him. The man standing behind their 'master' immediately pulled a gun pointing at the big bellied man direction.

"No no no! Master, master!" He desperately pleaded as he steps back. But before he could run, a loud deafening bang was heard. He was shot right through his head. His lifeless body collapsed as blood filled his body. Not long after, the people who witness this scene snapped back to their senses as a ringing phone resounded through the room. The other person who was breaking cold sweats stiffened as he realised it was his phone that was ringing. He was about to decline the call but the caller ID came from their headquaters at country x.

He answered it even under the pressure of their masters presence. As he picked up the call, a desperate voice was heard. His heart pounded as he turned his gazed to his master. He pressed the loudspeaker button because he didn't had the courage to report the news himself as someone just died right infront of him.

"Boss! We were ambushed by some rookie organization! They're infiltrating our main HQ —" before he could finished his report, a loud bang was overheard through the line. After a few second, the phone was picked up by someone. A maniac laughed went through the line.

"Dragon, did you like my greetings?" The man on the line casually asked as if he was talking to his friend. The man sitting on the head-seat smirk as he heard the man on the line called out his name.

"Don't get mad, my friend. This is just the beginning!" Then line ended.

"Get cobra ready. I'll go to country x... Let's see what's those brats could offer." A sinister smile was plastered on his face.

The people that was witnessing this, shivered as they somewhat pitied that unknown organization. They're indeed rookies they thought. Challenging Dragon was like courting death. But most of all, they were delighted that the discussion about 'that woman' didn't pushed any further.