What what... WHAT?

"How tragic.."

When Uno opened his eyes, he was once again welcomed with the excruciating pain caused by his injuries. As he growled through his gritted teeth, he somewhat noticed a figure at the corner of the room. An overweight man in suit was leisurely watching him growled in pain. Though he had a blank expression on his face, Uno still felt humiliated.

When he got used with the excruciating pain, he glared daggers at the chubby man in suit. Luciano responded with a puzzled look by the pair of murderous eyes, he mouthed;


Uno knitted his brows in confusion.

"What what?" Uno's voice was coarse flat as he asked the person who was leisurely sitting at the corner sofa and shamelessly feigning innocent as if he was much more confused than him.

"What what.. WHAT?"

Uno was rendered speechless by this man. The corner of his lips turned upward but couldn't be resemble by a smile nor smirk.

"What a weird fellow." He mumbled —audible enough to reach the Luciano's ears. Uno didn't want to waste his energy in his question as this person isn't willing to answer.

He examined his injured body. He has approximately 38 stitches around his body. Uno had a little knowledge about first aid as he would get cut or get shot every once in a while thus, he knew based on the stitches that they are definitely done by a professional. He subconsciously glanced at the chubby man in the sofa —yawning.

"Why.. why would you keep me alive?"

"Why not?" Luciano answered in a trivial manner.

"Aren't you afraid that I'd kill you?" Uno was agitated at the man in the sofa. He would accept it if he would torture him to death or just kill him but acting as if he wasn't threatened by him— he felt insulted.

"Why would you kill me?"


'Why would I want to kill him?' Uno thought

"I don't think you're that dumb... You see, people like you doesn't exist in this world. even if I leave your corpse in the middle of the city no one could identify you. Isn't a bit sad?" Luciano continued speaking in a trivial manner.

"Stop beating around the bush! What do you want?" Uno exclaimed. He was injured enough to listen to his articulate.

"Lets just say I want to hire you." The corner of his lips turned upward showing his even white teeth. He almost sparkled as he look at Uno.

"They're right about you... You're a lunatic." He said with a sneered. Uno was in disbelieved that this man was absurd enough to hire someone who tried to assassinate him.

1 month had passed since their last encounter. Uno almost recovered and could 'probably' can work. Though he hadn't fully accepted the job that man offered to him, he knew he doesn't have anywhere to go. He atleast needs money to support himself before he could get back to his foster father.

Uni took out a piece of paper, and stared at the address Luciano gave him before he left that day. Little did he know, the job Luciano was talking about wasn't about hiring him as a member of the mafia organization.

He was led to a huge mansion in the middle of the vast forest. Uno was in awed and in disbelieved at the huge mansion. As he entered the premises, he bump into man with a bulging muscle as if he was the brother of The Rock(1) and Hulk.

"Eh? you Uno? You that one boss talked 'bout?" He asked. Uno glanced at him in silence. He could sensed the man's dangerous aura thus he was extra cautious.

"Welcome home, man! Chill... Am Tito." He placed his hand at his shoulder and slightly tap it as a large grin was formed in his lips while he introduced himself.

"I'm Leon." Both men were startled at the voice that came from nowhere. Tito turned his head to the source of the voice and spotted Leon who was standing few steps behind him.

"Stop doin' that man. You almost scare the living sh*t outta this fella." With a concerned tone, Tito turned his head back to Uno.

"Im sorry. My bad." Leon apologized.

"...." Uno who hadn't said a word was rendered speechless. The word 'home' kept on repeating on his mind and was skeptical about this whole 'charade' that Luciano made.

'What was he up to and what's with these people?' He thought