legend says


Everyone was in shock seeing Seraphina's falling. As soon as they got helped from the crew's authorized personnel and from the town, they started to treat Sasha's injuries and went through the details of the events.

"What are you doing? A person just fell off the cliff!" Ace burst out at the crowd. To his point of view, no one seems to understand how dire the situation to them.

"Sir, we already informed the town's chief regarding the situation but while we wait at the chief's command, we have to also help the people here. They are still in shock to what happened." One of the medics said to him, trying to calm him down.

Just as the other team from the crew including Riggs arrived at their location.

"come with me." Ace passed by him. Puzzled at the grave expression on his face, he looked around the place. He spotted Marga who's pale as a paper on the corner staring mindlessly in shock. Riggs was left behind by Seraphina's order and stayed at the inn but seeing the crews in panic, he went to see who is the unlucky person out of boredom.

"Huh? Where is she?" He murmurs, searching for that certain someone —it was after a few beats he realizes who is the unlucky person that fell of the cliff —he immediately follows Ace.

"What the f*ck happened? Where did she fell off?" He inquired anxiously to Ace.

"where are you going?" Riggs continued to ask —seeing Ace going back to the town.

"To the town's chief." Ace answered coldly.

"Since when did you start asking authorities for help? Just say it where did she fell off and I'll find her, damn it!" Riggs replied. He could not waste any more time since anything can happen to Seraphina.

"she is not someone who runaways from authorities —the more people searching for her, the easier to find her." Ace replied to the ever so slacker Riggs. He hadn't done anything since they came to this island, now he dares to question him how he took care of things.

"Tch!" Riggs scoffs and follows Ace without saying a word.

Arriving at the town chief's house, there were already people gathered and discussing about the situation. The person in charge of the show and the two people who went with them were also present.

"Informed the neighboring island about the situation and asked for help. We'll start our search immediately the moment they arrived." The town's chief commanded one of his men —turning his attention to the show's producer, he continued.

"That side of the island is a little tricky and without a concrete plan and manpower, it'll be impossible to find her." The chief said in a serious tone. Hearing those words, Ace intervene.

"Wait? Every second you waste waiting here, that person's life— she'll die!" Ace could not believe at how the chief will take his action. How could he say he will wait knowing a person can die every second they waste?

"There is nothing that we can do, that place is like a maze, young man. Without the right people, we can't find her."

"Huh, very reassuring. This is why I hate authorities." Ace mocked leaving the chief residence.

"Everyone that went to that side of the island... no one came back." the chief blurted out —stopping in his tracks, Ace turned his head back with his furrowed brows at the wrinkled old man.

"What did you say?"

"this island has a legend story about two Go—"

"Bullish*t." Ace not showing interest and saving himself for the waste of time, he impolitely cut him off. He doesn't believe about myths and legend, but if that side of the island is that dangerous in the first place, he has more reason to find her.

Just as he left the place, he felt a drop of liquid—gazing at his hand, he then looked up.

"Crap, " he whispers seeing the cloud darken and the storm clouds loomed around the horizon.


"Damn it!" Seraphina cursed as she tries to stand up —feeling a little dizzy. Fortunately, her clothes were thick and she seemed she hadn't inflicted any major injuries aside from a deep cut to her right arm.

The moment the branch gave in, she did her best to minimize the impact of her fall by sliding and grabbing every bump she comes into but in the end, although she landed safely and managed to survive, she unexpectedly hit her head making her unconscious for a while.

"How troublesome, " she spoke in annoyance. Checking herself, aside from her bleeding palms and a few scratches of her legs and feet, she was relieved.

Managing to stand up, Seraphina almost lost her balanced.

"Did I hit my head that hard?" She paused, then she slowly sat back up again to rest. She checks her forehead and just as she thought, it was bleeding.

"This is better, at least I know it's real." Sounding relieved, she closed her eyes once again. After a few moments, her surrounding starts to get darker and little by little it started to pour rain.

"Great! Of all time, it has to rain now." Sarcasm was traced in her tone —she stood up and felt much better for having a little rest. Gazing at the forest where she is in, Seraphina blinked lightly and slowly breathe out.

"Where the hell am I?"