important announcement!

There was a sudden meeting that morning at Yue International Enterprise. Sebastian Yue called out for all the core members of the company saying he had an important announcement to make. The people they met that morning already had an idea what was he up to.

[At the board meeting room]

"I gathered you all today to introduce to you my granddaughter; Seraphina Yue. From today onwards, she will start working here and also a possible candidate for the next CEO position." His elderly voice boldly announced. Seraphina slightly flinches at the sudden announcement.

'Wow, gramps! You decided too fast!' referring to his words the last night, she thought. Nonetheless, she was still elated by the news. She stood up courteously then bowed showing respect to everyone present.

"I asked for everyone's guidance. Please take care of me." she muttered humbly.

However, although there are people who seemed to approve and trust Sebastian Yue's decision -- the old men under George Yue seemed displeased by the 'important announcement' Chairman Yue was referring. One after another, they spewed complaints and harsh questions.

"Chairman, no offense but can we entrust this company to your her?"

"Chairman, with all due respect but I have to disagree with this matter! How can a little girl who doesn't know anything about this industry can handle all our internal affairs?"

"Chairman, Chairman, Chairman---" continues complaints about his news was queued.

As the boardroom had a commotion, a loud 'bam' made each and everyone shut their mouths as George Yue slam the table throwing a huge fit.

"This is the Chairman's order. How dare you question the chairman's decision so boldly?! Father, you can entrust my niece to me." George Yue chimed in before the Old man Yue can speak. Since he approved, his minions have nothing to say anymore.

This is to say that these people only listen to George Yue and disregarded Sebastian Yue who's been too lenient and kind towards them --It's obviously abusing his kindness. Even so, Seraphina kept her cool as she leisurely sips her tea. On the other hand, Sebastian Yue was in distress at this troublesome people yet he kept his dignified stance; unfazed by their complaints.

"My decision is final. If anyone still has more complaints, then, you can just leave and go back to where I picked you all up!" although his voice was hoarse due to his age, it still hit a sore spot on some of them. After all, if it wasn't for Chairman Yue, they're all nothing today. However, due to human greed, they secretly turned their backs on him.

"Meeting adjourned!" dismissing them at once. As they all left the room, Sebastian Yue let out a series of coughs. Seraphina worriedly pats his back as she reached for the glass of water, handed by Henry Man -- Sebastian Yue's most trusted right-hand man.

"Those kids! Trying to anger me to death!" Though he was mad, he sounded more as a father disappointed at the misconduct of his sons.

Chairman Yue admitted that he spoiled them to the extent of them opposing him every time. Perhaps, it's because he was not the man he used to be and he is now old thus, they won't even respect his decision.

"Gramps! It's fine. I'll work hard to earn their trust." convincing him that all is well, there was a touch of determination on her voice. Although, none was sure of her way to 'earn their trust' but still, Chairman Yue was satisfied with her promise.


Seraphina spent her day learning about the basic operations in Yue International under Henry Man. Although George offered her to tour her around, alas, he was the head of the on-going project of their newly established subsidiary, thus, he has to tend to his work first which she gladly tells him she understood.

Roaming around the company's different department, she receives a variety of unnecessary glances from their employees probably due to her get up. Regardless, they still showed her their utmost respect knowing she would be their big boss in the future. News like this spreads immediately around the company although they can't talk about it outside the premises -- it was still a hot topic inside the establishment.

Everyone expected that George Yue would soon take over the Yue International. Alas, who would have thought that the young miss that no one had seen before will suddenly show up and take interest in taking over the company. Each and everyone, of course, secretly made their bet probably to relieve their stress from work on who will win this upcoming dogfight.

As she was done with the short tour, Sebastian Yue was too diligent to prepare a temporary office for her. Seraphina's brows start twitching hearing that her grandfather readied everything beforehand.

'Didn't he said he'll think about it?'

"Miss, Chairman Yue says this will be your temporary office. If you have any questions, you can look for me anytime. I'll be your assistant for the meantime --"

"How about gramps?" interrupting his sentence midway, Seraphina plainly asked.

"Chairman Yue ordered me to assist you to the best of my knowledge, until then, I will continue assisting young miss under Chairman Yue's order. As for your personal assistant, it will be Chairman who will appoint someone for you but for now, I will be young madam's secretary." Henry Man explains audibly. Seraphina nods in acknowledgment.

As Henry Man left her office, she sat at the comfortable high back leather executive office chair and leans her backs against it.

'Henry Man… show me your worth and how you can be useful to me.' a flash of anticipation was plastered beneath her jet black eyes.

In her memory, Henry Man was the only loyal person in Sebastian Yue's side. His adamant loyalty obviously caused his life to suffer in the hands of her enemies. However, Seraphina was still uncertain of the supposed role she'll cast upon him, thus, she has to confirm herself if he was worthy of her future plans for him.