miss, you blind?

"you're too cute for that." she continued which made everyone twitch their face.


'Miss, you blind?'

'Where on earth is cute about this beast?'

Everyone retorted on their minds in the midst of this chaos. How could they not? Her words are simply ridiculous. Or should they say, she was being too capricious from the start?

Seraphina could not be bothered by the odd gazes thrown upon her as she offered Tito a subtle smile. However, her eyes darkened spotting the little hole on Tito's arm that continues to bleed.

Although her reaction was obvious, Tito was still confused behind her identity. Thus, he shifts his inquiring gaze towards Riggs apathetic figure and only sees him shrug as an answer. Although he wanted to inquire what was going on but since there are still people around and Riggs might have a good reason why he never informed him the details, thus, he saves his questions at the back on his head for later.

Victor Wang coughs vigorously. at the same time, he gasps for air as he escaped death, again. Alas, he really lost his mind this time. He scorns,

"Do you know who are the people backing Tuna and me?! Huh! It is none other than Don Luciano Familia! You all low-life! Do you think you can afford to offend them?! Even if I am only an associate, the main family will never let you bully me!" with the said piece, he laughed out loud. Much louder and insanely compared to Seraphina. It was as if he showed his true colors and turned into a real mad person this instant.

Technically, Don Luciano Familia was like any other crime family based in country X. So, when Seraphina ascend the throne of being the next capofamiglia -- ultimately, the family structure is fully established. It just a matter of who will be loyal to the new leader and who will oppose him by challenging him. Of course, Seraphina took some time for her underlings including that gigantic man to follow her orders and the new set of rules by establishing her own power and capabilities.

It is proven that even the lowest Famiglia in the hierarchy were protected by the main family and no one could touch them -- if they don't want to know Luciano's wrath. However, even with the new set of rules; they're still those hard-headed family members who deluded themselves with greed and high-fetched ambitions because the newly established rules are incredibly ridiculous in the underworld.

And it just so happen that Tuna is an example of one of them. Primarily, he is one of those section leaders under the underboss or also called lieutenants who get orders directly from the big boss. And Mike and his crew were called soldiers in the family structure. In simple terms, they are the lowest members in the organization ranking.

"Oh? What would that people do when they knew that these minions have broken their oath? Trash, do you know those people you talked about dislike the most?" she inquired as she takes slow sides towards the delusional man in front of Tito. As she reached Victor Wang's position, she bent down and meet his gaze then she spoke in a low growl. She continued,

"Animals like you who don't feel remorse about their crime."

"Huh?! We are all bad people here! Don't speak so righteous!" just as he retorted back, without a delay, a loud slap landed on his face.

"I never said we are good people, but at least, we don't ruin an innocent girl's dreams." her tone and aura say it all.




All the bad feelings in the world as if crumbled into one engulf Victor Wang. His whole body trembles before the sight of the monstrosity of the girl. Before he knew it, another slap that is much powerful than the first landed on his face. It was so overwhelming it made him a little dizzy. She spoke,

"Also, didn't I say I hate surprises and contact me if you wanted to meet me? He didn't inform you?" Turning her head towards the still groveling Mike with his head slightly raised as he was witnessing the girl's action -- he flinches by the sudden eye contact.

Her words shocked everyone except Riggs and Tito who knew their disposition and respect her time to shine. No one could find the courage to answer because they are scared out of their wits. How can this girl be this intimidating?

Her presence reminded them about the odd rule in the organization: thou shall not discriminate nor underestimate your opponent's gender. Alas, before their mind could function, it was interrupted by her words, again.

"He didn't? Too bad, you are all fools for believing an animal's word. If you've only conducted your investigations thoroughly… we're probably catching up over tea harmoniously. Sadly, it turns out like this." She states in a matter-of-factly tone. The disheartened emotions could be trance on her words which made Mike and his crew a bit agitated and bitter.

For some reason, they hung their head low -- as if reflecting on their activities in the past year. Seraphina sighs heavily, then turned her gazed back to Victor Wang's distorting face. She spoke,

"I only plan to get back for the seven slaps because I see the drug is taking effect on you. Alas, you dare harm this cute creature and also led this chaos resulting in my Goodfellas lives." her ever intimidating aura gave everyone a goosebump.

'He should have waited patiently before he could kill himself peacefully.' Riggs thought inwardly. The drug he put on him a few days ago had a side effect after a week or two, alas, seeing his boss temper on the edge. He was uncertain about what will happen to this trash Victor Wang anymore. But what's clear to him is… he'll have a miserable death.