oh, boy, you've gotta be kiddin me!

Along with Tito's laughs, he suddenly felt that his body started to grow numb as well. It was as if the paralyzation is slowly eating his whole body.

"Arg… boss --" by the next second, he felt dizzy as his eyesight became blurry.

Seraphina was reminded that her tiny weapon contains a poisonous drug. "Shoot, I almost forgot." she mumbled as she dashed towards Tito's position.

She hastily fiddles on her wristwatch to take it off. After she successfully took of the wristwatch, with a light 'thud' sound, the small watch broke by an elbow strike --missing the part where the small sharp metal material. The wristwatch dismantles instantly by the evident powerful assault she made -- showing its parts and a very tiny sachet with white content along with it.

Fortunately, Seraphina was a calculative person and was always 'concern' about her well-being. Thus, for emergency purposes, if she ever pokes herself accidentally by her own toys, she had a lifesaver. Also, she wouldn't even dare to use this deadly weapon on her confidant if she knew it will kill him.

Seraphina wordlessly opened the small sachet and poured it down directly on Tito's throat.

"Cutest, swallow it as much as you can. You'll feel better." she instructed calmly.

Tito although was feeling a little dizzy, he still heard her words and followed as instructed. He gulps as many times as he can --using his own saliva as water. Just a few minutes after, he could feel his dizziness dissipate a bit and could slightly move his fingers.

"I should've known… you always don't play by the rules, boss." Tito commended in a mumbling manner as he regained a bit of his strength.

"You asked for it, my cutest." Seraphina sighs in relieved for some reason. After she fed Tito the antidote, she turns her head towards the still flabbergasted Mike and his crew. Arching her brows seeing their ridiculous expression, she spoke.

"Did you heard and see anything?" she inquired back with her intimidating gaze. Mike gulps the moment he met her menacing gaze, he answered in a rather reassuring tone.

"We didn't see nor hear anything, boss."

"Boss, you don't trust his words, do you?" Riggs' voice was heard from behind her. After the brawl between her and Tito, he immediately drops his popcorn and walks towards their direction. However, the very first thing he heard is Mike's reassuring words which irritates him. Riggs continued in a trivial tone,

"We only trust dead people for keeping secrets."

His words made Mike and his men feel a cold sweats run down their spine. Each of their minds, couldn't help but complain inwardly by how unreasonable this man -- who was not to mention, enjoying the fight while eating popcorn not far away earlier.

'Damn these people are bipolar!'

'If I could, I wouldn't even want to know the truth!'

'Mister, can you please let us off this time?'

'Why is their attention on us, again?!'

Mike tried his hardest to salvage their situation as he could sense the hostility of Riggs towards them. Riggs only needed a green signal from Seraphina before he could go on a killing spree. After all, he already showcased his capabilities earlier and even if they all attack him at once, they wouldn't beat him.

"Big boss--" before Mike could even start on his speech, Seraphina gestured him to stop.

"They are a man of honor -- they're not Luciano's men for no reason. Don't make me regret my decision. Where are my keys?" She stated in a deadpan tone.

For some reason, Mike felt that her words are compliments instead of a threat. Furthermore, since they are considered pawns from the main famiglia, they never knew that the head boss would take their words for consideration. Even with the fact that this was all her plans, they couldn't help but feel flattered.

"It's still on your ride."

"Good. This scallywag needs your helping hand. Tito might not regain his full strength for a couple more hours." referring Riggs as the 'scallywag', she commanded towards Mike before preparing to depart.

"Ye-Yes!" Mike bowed acknowledging his first assignment directly from the real Don. Alas, even if her demand this time seemed easy; glancing at Tito's huge built, he unconsciously pinched his temple as the corner of his eyes twitched.

'This is easier said than done.' he thought.

"Boss where are you going?" Riggs tried to halt her from going. Although he respected her decision just now, he was particularly worried about the injuries she inflicted. From his perspective adding with the minimal medical knowledge, she probably broke some of her bones. Although she acted fine and unhurt, her complexion would not lie -- she is started to become pale which worried him even more.

"I'll meet you on Tito's place." She spoke without turning her head. Seraphina continued walking towards the car she was using earlier this morning. Without giving everyone a last glance, she entered her ride and sped off.

Tito who was still conscious yet paralyzed on the ground had a glimpse of the never before seen worried expression of Riggs. For some reason, he could feel that something was amiss by the way Riggs hang his head low and his slightly dejected mood.

Squinting his eyes in skepticism, a thought suddenly pops out on Tito's mind.

'Oh, boy, you gotta be kidding me.'