something to brag about

[The day before D-Day]

The Yue International Enterprise was rather bustling. Each employee had to work double time because currently, aside from the fact that the company's transaction gradually multiplied since Seraphina started working as the acting CEO. Tomorrow's monumental event about the official introduction of the new head of Yue International Enterprise causes a huge uproar because all employees from top to bottom were allowed to join the grand event.

Although the company's progress satisfies the majority of the board of directors especially the chairman, alas, George Yue and his chosen few felt otherwise. That is why some of them tried sabotaging her, however, Seraphina as if predicted their plans -- put a high security on every internal department catching every man they sent. Even so, they still haven't heard anything from Seraphina about their misdeeds. Instead, she always shows her diligent professionalism.

[Inside George Yue's office]