start of D-Day

[Start of D-DAY]

The Yue International Enterprise was still hectic as it is. Although the banquet will be held later tonight, the company continued with its normal operation.

"I still don't know what to wear tonight."

"What? Don't you know a lot of socialites will be attending? It's our chance to meet those elite men!"

"OMG! I'm so excited! This is once in a lifetime moment for us commoners!"

"Well, I think our chairwoman isn't that bad?"

Each employees gossip about their outfits and their opinion about tonight's event. Some are excited, while some are anxious at the same time. After all, it's rare that they are invited to this kind of occasion. Moreover, aside from that, it is obviously grand, there is really not necessary to invite everyone to celebrate the new leader of the Yue International Enterprise.