future collaborations

However, even with her declaration of their relationship, Liam neither blushed or act his usual reaction. He only kept his gentle smile as always. No one knew what's going on his mind as he let no opening of jealousy in his body language.

Since they were all businessmen, Liam's temperament was rather commendable. Because it's clear to them that Wren Tanaka was purposely misleading them to his relationship with Seraphina yet, there wasn't a change of Liam's expression.

By this time, other important guest fawned around Seraphina as they try to converse with her. Which she didn't reject and gladly chatter with them along with Wren and Mr. Tang.

Aside from the compliments towards her, they discussed some matters regarding each business -- making Liam stay silent. It's not that he didn't understand they're conversation. It just that it don't interest him at all. Yet, he stayed with Seraphina's side.