safe haven

Dragon enjoyed the scenery for quite a while until he finished the canned beer she gave him. At that time, the breeze turns much colder, hence, he decided to call it a night. Alas, his dilemma was the girl was sound asleep.

"Hey--" He poked her cheeks but to no avail, she won't wake up. Out of nowhere, his men appeared.

"Master, what should we do to her?" a tall man with half of his face was covered flatly inquired. He stepped forward closing the gap between his master and him.

Dragon glance at Seraphina's snoring figure before he ordered, "Bring her."

His subordinate bowed as a sign of receiving his order, alas, just as his hand approaches her, it was stopped by a tight grip. Shifting his eyes to the slender small hands that were stopping his hand, the tall subordinate was stunned.

'How can she have such strength?' he wonders inwardly. He tried retrieving his hand from her clutches, alas, she won't budge. 'Is she faking her sleep?'