free spirit

After some time of thinking of what to do with her life, Seraphina felt dreading boredom. She has been trying to 'be good' for about ten minutes now but for her, it felt like ten whole years.

"ay~! This won't do!" she exclaimed as she bounced off on the bed.

She grabbed her phone that the female servant hand to her together with her keys and purse. When her smartphone opened, tons of text messages popped up one after another.

Most of the text messages came from the contact name: Unknown Creature. She could imagine his ever annoying quirky tone with his messages.

"boss! Can you lend me money?"

"ey~ I'll pay you back with a 10% interest!"

"Aiya! Boss, don't ignore me!"

And a pile of complaints and accusations went so forth. She could sense that the sender was utterly bored and must have been lost his money in gambling.

"tsk. This gambling addict! Does he thinks I'm his ATM?!" Seraphina clicks her tongue in annoyance. Suddenly, a brilliant idea pops on her mind.