
It was night time and Seraphina's flight will be in a few hours from now. Alas, her instant husband wasn't still home which frustrates her a little. She doesn't want to end their abrupt relationship just like that.

Despite that Seraphina's resolve in breaking up with Dragon was unwavering, however, part of her still wanted to see him for the last time. At least, she wanted to thank him for taking care of her and making her experience what it is to be in a relationship albeit uncivil.

Glancing at the wall clock, Seraphina sighs dejectedly. "Well, what can I do," she murmurs.

Since didn't bring too many things with her and the clothes she shopped will be unused in the future days, Seraphina only packed the essential pieces of stuff in her small backpack. Scanning the penthouse, a subtle melancholic smile form on the corner of her lips.

'What a nice place…' she thought inwardly as short warm memories with him flashes before her eyes.