What a f*ck up world

Just as Captain Long nodded vigorously, the sound of rattling guns deafened their ears as bullets filled the air. Seraphina instantly, without mercy pulled the trigger which caused a splash of blood and flesh on her delicate small face before forcefully pulling Captain Long's dead body as her shield.

Other new forces came into Dragon's rescue as they only aimed at the enemy in sight. Of course, the people who ambushed them fight for their lives as they hid on their own cars and fired back.

Soon, another van rushed towards to where Dragon was kept. Seeing that their reinforcement came in the nick of time, Max heaved a sigh of relief. His concern about Seraphina was set aside as he rigidly unbuckled his seatbelt.

Once the enemies were pushed back, Max immediately left the car and opened the backseat door. People from the black van immediately pulled a stretcher and assisted Dragon's injured body, cautiously albeit swift.