Your subject needs your help

Dragon was currently meditating, subduing the inner beast that was freely rampaging inside him. Earlier, he almost lost it. All the resistant he did every day before their separation almost broke.

Probably because he missed her that much that he doesn't want to let her go. Actually, deep inside him, Dragon's other reason for planting his men to guard her is because he was afraid that she might just vanish into thin air.

That he won't find her again. That he won't see her again. Just the thought of it could make his heart crack. If only he could just cage her, he will. But he doesn't want her to despise him. He can't be that selfish can he?

"Baby! Can you help me?"

Dragon's brows twitch hearing her yelling followed by a mischievous audible giggle.

"Ryu~! Your majesty~! You subject needed help~!" One after another, Seraphina continuously called out for help.