will you be honest?

Venus' eyes dilated. Now that Jack said it, she now remembered where he had seen him. After all, Alexander Han was one of the Ace artists from country x that made his success in country y. Though she wasn't inclined in the entertainment industry, for the past month, she mingled with the upperclassmen and ladies -- for the sake of her mission.

"What? Our new recruit is a superstar? Woah, my darling is going to another level." Venus' eyes gleamed not because of Alexander Han's fame but to her boss, Luciano. In her perspective, Seraphina's score of manliness took a huge leap -- almost making her fangirl like a little girl.

Clasping her hand together, Venus hurriedly unclasped them again as she briskly searched her luxury handbag that worth half a million. Without exerting much effort, she found her phone and immediately taps on it.