Yue International clean up (2)

"Mr. Feng, are you implying that were lying?" Henry Man sternly replied keeping his dignified front. He was also perturbed seeing the unbelievable amount of money that the company lost.

Even to him, who stayed with Chairman Yue's side for years was disappointed that this kind of conspiracy was left unnoticed. How can this happen? If it weren't for Seraphina, Henry Man was afraid that the Yue International Enterprise would declare bankruptcy in a few years. Also, the new jewelry subsidiary seemed to have more misinformation than they knew.

Although it was baffling that Seraphina gathered this evidences in a short span of time, it only proved how broad her capabilities; which are a little terrifying in a way. It was as if she could see their every little move and if ever they take the wrong path and was perceive as traitors -- all of them, even Henry Man will not be safe.