Their arrival

"Fret not, I chose you and it means I trust that you'll take care of this company more than me…" For the first time in history, or rather to Henry Man, Seraphina sounded genuine, kind and sincere. Even when she conversed with her own grandfather, Seraphina still seemed mysterious to his perspective. Thus, it surprised him to the core witnessing and hearing her sincerity. Does she really trust him with this job? It not that he has complaints but, why him? Of all people, why would she choose Henry Man?

"... just promise me one thing, keep it as a clean business as much as possible and if ever an enemy proposed some underhanded means… I'll handle them myself. You got my protection." Seraphina uttered as her languid position with the back of her hand supporting her jaw and the other hand placed on the armrest while her fingers slowly tap it.

"Chairwoman -- what, what are you implying? I don't want to misunderstand."