Where is she?

"Did Rex knew as well?! How about Wren?!" Ace hadn't had enough as he could not believe the ridiculous revelation about their boss return. Hence, he could not help but feel unfair. How can they know and not tell him if they lived under the same roof all these months?

Raising his head on Leon who was staring at Serpahina's room window with an indiscernible expression, Ace shouted, "Leon, when did the boss came back?" Alas, Leon didn't respond this time as if he was uninterested to utter another word. Seeing the usual 'I reached my word count for the day' expression across Leon's face, Ace clenched his jaw feeling irked.

How could Luciano do this to him? Always leaving him in the dark and always the last one to get the news. However, now that he thinks about it, there must be a possibility why they didn't inform him; they all betrayed the boss including Leon!