Wife wants me to cum?

Dragon was forcefully pushed back after he mischievously stole her lips without any short notice. Seraphina who was on top of him completely lowered her guard as she straightened her posture while covering her lips by the back of her fist.

"Wh- what? Wh- why did she drop her guard? I- is she blushing?" Ace stuttered feeling entirely lost. From where they sat, he could tell that Seraphina completely dropped her guard after that abrupt kiss. If Dragon took advantage of the situation, he could turn the table on him. Alas, he was just lying beneath her with a smug grin behind his painted mime disguise.

"Blushing? Hahaha!" Recovering from his shock, Jack exclaimed in excitement. Ace who accepted his fate as the oblivious one turned his puzzled gaze on his confidant and undoubtedly saw Jack's hellspawn countenance as if he could clearly see the things that Ace don't.