Doing make-up or something?

"Lima -- stop." Rex warned using a military alphabet as Leon's nickname. Currently, Leon was indulged with killing intent as he literally turned his way upside down and more bloody than it should be -- reasons how they found him in the nick of time.

Hearing Rex's familiar commanding voice, Leon abruptly let go of the man's neck that was being strangled to death while being held high using Leon's one hand. Despite his petite body and delicate features, Leon was rather strong to lift the person; bigger than him. When he released the man, that poor individual coughed out and gasped for air at the same time.

"Is this the man?" Rex glanced at the man on the ground as he holds on to his dear life. On the other hand, Ace was stunned silly seeing the current occurrence. He wasn't shocked seeing the bloody scene before his eyes but the reason behind it. He expected this much but to Ace's little mind, it was hard for him to absorb all this.