Bath next to her

After Tito's statement, everyone earnestly focused on their task and the information they needed before they decided to leave the control room to execute their own respective orders.

"And, viola~!" Dragon pressed the enter button then leaned back after doing so. Seraphina and X, on the other hand, was unbothered when Dragon stopped working.

Dragon placed his left elbow on the desk and cupped his cheek by his palm as he turned his head on his right side where Seraphina sat.

"Relax, my dear. You can leave everything to your little hacker -- he could manage." He said with a grin. Yet, Seraphina treated his words as if it was the air that passed by her.

Receiving her usual cold treatment, Dragon shrugged as he slowly stood. By the next second, he pulled Seraphina chair. Fortunately, the chair has wheels which made it easier to do what he has done.