Know your place, Dragon.

The next morning…

"Goodmorning." Enjoying her cup of tea, Seraphina greeted without taking her eyes away from her tablet.

Around the table, Seraphina sat at the head seat as usual. She was their godfather after all. Dragon perched on her right side, Mariel Min on her left, while Tito was placing down the toast and sandwiches he prepared for breakfast.

Jack glanced at Tito's gigantic built that was wearing a pink apron with a huge sunflower printed on it. By the looks of it, he totally didn't mind working overtime burying bodies last night. "Morning." Letting out a deep sigh, Jack perched to the seat two chairs away from Mariel Min.

He picked up one toast of bread and took a bite while glancing at the peaceful front of Seraphina. Tito as if on cue quickly prepared him a cup of black coffee which he served right after.