The Recklessness of the Young

"Doctor Ling, thank you." The several young people surrounded Ling Ran as they thanked him one after another.

The expression on Ling Ran's face did not change. He asked, "Where did you see the video?"

"Patient Group, City Forum. It's all over my friend circle as well. It was even forwarded in Weibo." The thin and tall young man was trying to butter Ling Ran up with some immature techniques as he said, "Doctor Ling, you're handsome and your medical skills are good. You're standard material for internet celebrity status. Everyone's sharing it. It wouldn't be logical if you're not famous, unlike us…"

"You guys don't seem like internet celebrities either." Ling Ran could never be able to accept such a crude way of flattery. He only thought of ending the conversation as soon as he could.

So, the conversation was killed off, as expected.