The Second

It was Monday.

Ling Ran woke up very early. He fried an egg, cooked porridge, and breathed in the 'fresh' morning air as he walked to the hospital.

The Ling family did not own a car because Madam Tao Ping did not have a driving licence, and to Ling Jiezhou, a car was not something essential to Madam Tao Ping so naturally it was not a necessity. Ling Jiezhou also could not afford to buy a car because the value of a car depreciated fast.

Ling Ran was fine without it. When he was in the medical institute, he did not need a car. Now, when he was doing his internship in Yun Hua Hospital, he also did not desire a car (unless the system gave him a Transformer, and it must be the kind that even a C-licence holder could drive).

"Ling Ran, get changed and get into the operating theater."

Just as Ling Ran entered the Emergency Department, he saw the sight of the somewhat bustling department and was immediately called upon.