Return Your ‘Pearl’ to Thee

The Emergency Department was somewhat dirty and messy at night.

There were discarded clothes and rubbish on the floor. The positions of the IV stands, chairs, and even hospital beds also became haphazard. In the corner of the room near the rubbish bin, there was even something that looked like vomit, covered with a rag that was soaked in antiseptic fluids.

Ling Ran walked quickly. When he reached the treatment room, the patient had already been pushed into a curtained cubicle. From outside, Ling Ran could see the reclined upper-half of the patient's body, and that the patient was staring at the ceiling with glazed eyes.

"Come in, Doctor Ling." Nurse Liu drew the curtains after letting Ling Ran in.

The patient did not move at all even after hearing the commotion.

"Does he have a concussion?" Ling Ran chose a more logical assumption. If it were anything more serious than that, it would not even matter if the scrotum was sutured.