Someday, With the Scalpel In My Hand

The following day.

It was the day of the surgery.

Lu Wenbin was the first one to enter the operating theater. He had completed all his tasks from draping to inspection when Ling Ran and Huo Congjun came. 

Huo Congjun appeared poised.

Ling Ran appeared elegant.

Lu Wenbin was extremely stressed.

"The patient, Li Xingguo, is twenty-one years old. He has an open wound, and the flexor tendons of his index and middle fingers are ruptured. Both the flexor digitorum profundus and flexor digitorum superficialis of his middle finger are ruptured. It's rather complicated…" Since Lu Wenbin had read the information beforehand, he explained it to the others.

Ling Ran had read it too, so he pondered as he listened to what Lu Wenbin said. His expression could not be deciphered.

Huo Congjun exhaled. This was the only kind of patient he could find that day.