The Dignity of an Old White Rabbit

"Ling Ran, come, take a look at the medical records and take your pick."

Ever since Huo Congjun spread the news that they were using the M-Tang technique to suture ruptured flexor tendons, he had been steadily receiving news from all parties.

The news came from hospitals of various regions, pharmaceutical sales representatives, his former colleagues, subordinates, and comrades-in-arms. 

When launching a new surgical method or writing a research paper, all doctors had special requirements concerning the patients they wanted. This was the time when their ranks and connections became very important.

Huo Congjun had already started to spread the news half a month or so ago, and he now received a considerable amount of feedback. There were already seven cases on his table. Five of them belonged to patients who were injured in recent days, while the other two belonged to patients with old wounds that had not healed.