Sweat Makes Champions

"Doctor Ling is here." Lu Wenbin, who had arrived at the hospital half an hour early, tried to show just how hardworking he was to Ling Ran.

Creatures like doctors, no matter what age, whether they were ugly or good looking, ordinary or popular, were ultimately loved by all if they were diligent and studious.

Skills were not only related to talent, but also forged through hard work.

Doctors knew this. The higher they stood, the better the doctor understood.

Lu Wenbin was certain that he would never impress Ling Ran with his talent, but he could make up for it with hard work.

Lu Wenbin was strong. He had left work at nine o'clock in the evening and went to the gym in the medical technology building for forty minutes. His five-feet-eleven-inch frame carried a lot of muscle. His fourteen-inch thick bicep could almost block the entire office door.