As Soon As Possible

Young Tie stood in front of the Emergency Medicine building, waiting. He was so anxious that he frequently looked at his watch.

Approximately two hours later, an ambulance with the Golden Deer Health Services Pte Ltd logo, parked in the ambulance bay.

Young Tie glanced at the license plate and breathed a sigh of relief. He grew nervous as he rushed to the front.

The nurses and the doctors of the Emergency Department who received the patient took a look at young Tie. He seemed familiar, but they did not know each other, which was why they did not make any remarks.

Young Tie acted meek and subservient before Department Associate Director Pan, but he was still a thirty-five-year-old man. In the hospital, there was no threshold to cross for a resident doctor to become an attending physician. It was just a matter of time. No matter how late it was, he still managed to become an attending physician despite the fact that he had reached his current age.