Do Not Wear and Tire Yourself Out Too Much

At seven o'clock in the morning, Ling Ran exited the Operating Area upon finishing a round of surgeries. He felt refreshed, and he went to the rehabilitation area.

The recovery of flexor tendons was a very important segment in a patient's perioperative period. It also required a lot of attention to detail. The rehabilitation rooms of Yun Hua Hospital's Hand Surgery Department were equipped with doctors who specialized in rehabilitation. As long as the surgeon gave his orders to the staff in the rehabilitation room, he did not have to worry too much.

However, Ling Ran still insisted on making ward rounds in the rehabilitation room so that he could receive a wave of Patient's Sincere Gratitude.

Ling Ran had made the groundbreaking discovery that if he met his patients for the first time after their surgeries in the rehabilitation area instead of their wards, there was a higher chance of him receiving a Sincere Gratitude from them.