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After Li Lei slowly left, Doctor Zhou's gaze was fixed on the concert ticket in Ling Ran's hand.

"Do you know how much Meng Xue's concert ticket costs?" Doctor Zhou's voice was trembling. The ticket Ling Ran got was a front seat ticket. As of then, the current price of a scalper's ticket for that seat was more expensive than finding a medical expert in Beijing.

"I know."

"Hmm... you know it? Why would you know of this kind of thing?" Doctor Zhou looked at Ling Ran with amazement.

Ling Ran chuckled and said, "My mom listens to Meng Xue's songs."

"Ah... alright." Doctor Zhou gave up dejectedly and said, annoyed. "Why can't I meet such a great patient?"

Ling Ran looked him like how one would look at a person without ambitions for a few seconds, and showed a beaming smile. Doctor Zhou turned around and pretended not to see it.