Operating Theater Banquet

Ling Ran followed Huo Congjun and rushed to the Hand Surgery Department.

At that moment, the Hand Surgery Department was in chaos. The doctors who rushed past them only had time to nod at Huo Congjun as a greeting before they swiftly left.

The impact on the Hand Surgery Department, brought about by a five-year-old requiring finger replantation surgery for eight of her fingers, was greater than the impact brought by eight toddlers needing eight different single-finger replantation surgeries. It was also much more complicated. Their panic at that moment was similar to how the staff of an airport would feel when they received news of multiple airplanes being forced to land. At that moment, no matter how well the doctors prepared before this and how much experience they had, they felt like it was not enough.

Huo Congjun arrived at the office and caught Wang Haiyang. "Old Wang."