Please Find Another ‘B*tch Friend’

Ling Ran exited the operating theater at half past eight that night. He showed slight fatigue.

He had just performed another finger replantation, which brought the day's total surgeries up to three, and he replanted a total of five fingers. He had basically achieved what Yun Hua Hospital's Hand Surgery Department would consider a record number of surgeries.

Among those five fingers, Lu Wenbin was involved in four of them, and Ma Yanlin was involved in three. Both of them took turns being second assistants when their surgeries overlapped.

Surgeries performed using the M-Tang technique only required one assistant—mainly to retract the patient's skin. It was completely different for finger replantations. A lot of things needed to be sutured, from the bones, the skin, the blood vessels, and the nerves. Since it was a slightly unconventional situation, a second assistant was needed to provide assistance in the surgeries.