
"Alright, Lu Wenbin, you can go rest. Young Ma will be the first assistant, and Yu Yuan will be the second assistant." Ling Ran waited until his assistants were done chatting before he allocated tasks for them again.

Lu Wenbin was so tired that he was going to die of fatigue. The moment he heard that he could rest, he quickly asked, "For how long?"

He knew that it was impossible for Ling Ran to let him rest all day, or else Ma Yanlin would be the one dying from exhaustion.

"You can come after you wake up." Ling Ran did not set a fixed time. He had consumed two bottles of Energy Serum and worked consecutively for more than forty hours. He planned to take a rest after working for a few more hours because he did not want to drink a third Energy Serum.

It was already inappropriate enough for doctors to test out medicine on themselves, but even those who did so were found to be unsettled if they administered a high dosage for themselves.