Feel Good After Boasting for a While

Yuan Wei extended his hand as he watched the nurse slowly unwrap the dressing.

The nurse slowly unwrapped the dressing layer by layer with one hand, and it went round and round Yu Wei's wounded hand. The sutured area was gradually revealed.

Yuan Wei and He Jinxiu gazed at the sutured wound, so much so that He Jinxiu started squirming as she hugged her daughter. They were so nervous that their daughter, who was in He Jinxiu's hold, started squirming.

"Don't move." He Jinxiu patted her daughter's b*tt without hesitation.

"It hurts!" Her daughter looked hurt.

He Jinxiu was stunned for a moment and quickly released her daughter. She felt regretful, but she did not want to apologize. She just held her daughter's arm and said, "Take a look at your father's hand and see if there is anything wrong with suturing.

"I am no longer a kid." The daughter pouted unhappily, but her eyes subconsciously drifted to her father's hand.