Follow the Feeling

"Insert a 10-0 surgical silk thread." During the suturing process, Ling Ran gave instructions without even looking up.

The scrub nurse answered without hesitation. She immediately opened a 10-0 surgical silk thread pack and installed it into a needle-holder. Subsequently, she placed the needle-holder gently onto Ling Ran's palm. The contact produced a light sound, and it caused a red flush to appear on her fair cheeks.

Ji Tianlu raised his head immediately. He realized something and asked, "What's wrong?"

In repairing an Achilles tendon, the 10-0 surgical silk thread was considered a thicker thread, but it was still three times finer than the 4-0 surgical thread that Ling Ran had used before. So, there must be a reason for the chief surgeon to change the thread suddenly.

Ling Ran was always willing to share more when it came to discussions of skills.