The Leader Would Not Mind

"10-0 thread."



"7-0 thread."

"Rinse it."

Ling Ran stood in the operating theater with his kidney secreting epinephrine madly. He did not hold back in his movements, and he performed the surgeries to his heart's content.

At the time, if a rather skilled linguist who wanted to find a suitable word to describe Ling Ran, most likely, that word would be "unhinged."

Naturally, in the eyes of others, Ling Ran still performed at a stable speed, his movements were orderly, and his operation was performed in great detail…

Only similar surgery maniacs could understand how Ling Ran felt at the moment. 'Happy! Extremely happy! It's like feeling the cool breeze in autumn!'

Ling Ran felt good, too.

What was the difference between performing surgeries in other hospitals and his own hospital?