Dalang Has Awoken

Liu Weichen slowly opened his eyes. They shone like stars from another constellation, so far away, but so deep that other people could not help but want to go near them.

Liu Weichen exhaled softly and opened his mouth with great difficulty, "I don't want to take medication…"

"Mister Liu, hold my hand and take large breaths." The anesthetist held Liu Weichen's downturned hand while pressing lightly onto Liu Weichen's shoulder with another hand. He then repeated, "Take large breaths, large breaths…"

Sounds came out of Liu Weichen's mouth, but they were only sounds of inhalation. He was not exhaling any air at all. At the same time, he flashed a strange smile, "Doctor Pan, your drug wore off so quickly. Has the surgery started yet?"

"It is already done." The anesthetist twitched his lips. He had gone through the same conversation many times before.