Handsome and Dignified

"Ling Ran, you do the debridement later." Zhao Leyi acquiesced to the patient's request and assigned the work to Ling Ran.

He did not want to offend the Chanel-shirt-wearing rich girl who flew there in a helicopter. Moreover, he was no longer at the age where he fought to do debridement.

Ling Ran agreed without saying much.

Debridement was a normal operation for him, and it was normal for someone to assign him to it.

"I'm Tian Qi because I'm the seventh child in the family. My family attended a fortune-telling session, and the fortune teller said a simple name would make my life easier. By the way, my Qi is spelled as Q-I, not C-H-I." Tian Qi pursed her mouth while she said that. Her lips, which were painted an alluring shade of red, moved slightly before she asked, "Are you Ling Ran? How do you spell your name?"

"L-I-N-G R-A-N," Ling Ran answered.