Chicken Broth Jelly

He Xiufang's coach and teammates were not the only ones who went to Shanghai along with her. Her father, He Zhong, was also present.

He Zhong was an honest farmer. He was anxious, solemn, profound, concerned, and stubborn at the same time. 

Even though he arrived in Shanghai the same day as He Xiufang, he had departed from his house a day before her.

He Xiufang was immediately teary-eyed when she saw her father standing at the exit of the station with a nylon bag, smoking restlessly.

She last saw her father when she was recuperating in the team, and back then, her fate was hanging by a thread.

Meeting him again this time, she was already a medalist of a national competition. Even though it was only a bronze medal and a national track and field championship, the fact that she got to stay in the team meant that her biggest crisis had already been averted.

However, it felt as if her father had always remained the same ever since she was young.