Livstreamed Surgery

"Doctor Ling, we'll be recording today's surgery from the beginning to the end."

Ji Tianlu still served as Ling Ran's assistant, and he reminded Ling Ran of that fact too.

The plump, 218-pound doctor was the part-time videographer. He stood in the operating theater with a camera, which was placed on a tripod next to him. The camera was wrapped in a plastic bag, just like how doctors wrapped large microscopes in plastic bags.

As usual, the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center used an operating theater that was equipped with a panoramic camera and a mounted high-resolution video camera. The entire process of the surgery would be livestreamed in the demonstration room. To obtain footage that may be of use during the conference, Zhu Tongyi also asked his staff members to bring an additional ordinary camera into the operating theater so that they could get clips from more angles.