The Great Mountain

"The operating theater is just next to us, right?" Brandon put his phone away, and he asked out of his curiosity.

From the video in the demonstration room, the real situation in the operating field as well as the doctors, including Ling Ran, could be seen clearly.

Brandon was curious about the surgery, and at the same time, he was also curious about Ling Ran.

His curiosity about the surgery was due to his instinct as a doctor, while his curiosity about Ling Ran was due to his instinct as a video uploader.

In comparison, Brandon was not really sure that he truly cared about being a doctor or a video uploader. After all, without the status of a doctor, he was just a normal video uploader. But without the status of a video uploader, he was also unwilling to work as a normal, hard-working doctor.

The girls who worked as volunteers looked at Brandon curiously, and they nodded subconsciously.