Holstein Friesian Cattle

Tears rolled down Damon's closely-shut eyes.

When the nurse anesthetist noticed, she quickly yelled, "The fair Dalang is awake!"

"That's pretty fast. Athletes do recover quickly. An anesthetist walked over with a smile and said in English, "Eldest [1], how do you feel?"

Damon froze for a moment and asked, "How did you know that I'm the eldest son? I've never told anyone about this before."

Once he said that, Damon touched his waist with his hands and anxiously asked, "Did you guys run an investigation on me? What did you guys steal?"

While he spoke, he began to panic.

"I spoke too soon. This guy may be having postoperative delirium. His blood pressure and cardiac rhythm look all right though…" The anesthetist struggled to understand the teenager's South African English and gestured at the nurse anesthetist.

Right then, Damon was already moving around and trying to pull off the tubes on his body.