
"Ling Ran, wait." Ji Tianlu stopped Ling Ran at the small canteen in the operating area and looked anxiously at him."How do you feel now? You didn't sleep for the whole night?" Ji Tianlu asked.

"Pretty good, yeah." Ling Ran greeted Ji Tianlu in an energetic manner. "1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55..."

Ji Tianlu was stunned for a moment. "The Fibonacci sequence?"

"Yup." Ling Ran hummed in agreement. He then spread his arms and walked in a straight line in front of Ji Tianlu.

Ji Tianlu looked at Ling Ran in a daze. The first time he saw Ling Ran doing that, he found it pretty interesting. But watching it now… the action could sort of be described as cute, especially when it was performed with a face like Ling Ran's.